Maria Brandt

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“I would endorse Good Advertising as a premiere advertising agency, one we are fortunate to have in Central Pennsylvania.  Becky Good is the ultimate Professional.  She pays close attention to detail, making sure every i is dotted, and T is crossed.  The Arc received many positive comments on a commercial produced by Good Advertising.  I respect Becky because she really took time with me.  She sat down and listened to my vision of The Arc’s future.  Becky did not come in with any preconceived ideas.  Rather, she asked me what was important and what message I wanted to convey.  She then took all of the ideas and transformed them into a magical commercial. I highly recommend Good Advertising for any advertising and marketing needs. Becky has creative ideas, works very well with clients, and really knows our community.  She puts all of those characteristics into producing top notch & professional pieces—advertising to be proud of that have the public remembering your business for years to come.

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